Science, it’s a subject that’s most of the people really obsessed with, as well as me. In science class, you get to explore the whole new world of facts which you never even knew before. As well as exploring, experiments are the best part of science. You get to see cool reaction between chemical, the explanation of flame, the dissolving process and even more! A few weeks ago, I conducted an experiment calls The Black Snake Experiment.

Google Search, Google,

        The Blacksnake experiments is a process of showing about how combustion works. The first reactions occur is when sugar and baking soda mix combustion and left the carbon ash behind, and the gases of the carbon that has been burn out had flown up into the atmosphere and combine with oxygen, which turns it into Co2. Since Combustion is a part of the Carbon cycle, so having a Black snake experiment showing the process of combustion in a small scale, is a really informational, and exciting, experiment to conduct. After the flame is off the result left behind was really clear as had shown above. The Data showed how the Black Snake ash has developed and how the different flammability reaction has changed over time. Luckily while our experimental team conducting the experiment there were, and errors or alerts happen, since we were super careful with our powder measurement, and accurately follow each step.


print “I believe that at some point in your life, you might at least have try to learn a second language. However, all in all, the only two conclusions that have come out are you either you are good at it, or you just thought it’s way too hard to start a second language and already quite the class after the first week. Beyond that, this is what actually happens in coding. Since I was a little kid, I had always thought of being a professional coder being able to develop so many apps and earn a lot of cash, as I had thought coding is just some easy peace numbers and letters like in the Sudoku and the word cross puzzle. After all, I complete had exploited my mind once knowing what coding actually really is. Trying to master a coding language is much much tougher than my expectations. In the last round of my Technology/Multimedia, we were introduced to a very basic beginner friendly coding language which is Python. It’like you are trying to break a solid rock with your bare hand. Nonetheless, this is isn’t what could stop me there. And that’s is the same thing I you want to take away from this lesson too. No matter how hard it once starting out, no matter how impossible it is reaching to the top, but at least give it a try.”

–Program stopped–

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Chhayachhay Chhhom                                                                                Date 17, 01, 2018

Adapted by Levi Romero        Inspired by “Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon

“I Am From” Poem Template | Audio Pome –

I am from a technology world from the 21st century and screen memories

I am from the bustle, the contemporary of building and it’s tall

I am from the sweet, and sour. The tamarind tree of my lost uncle whose long-gone limbs I remember as if they were my own.

I’m from ground rule and guideline from Whip Whip Whip! and black sheep

I’m from the navigation and exploration and from the family of reputation.

I’m from the mean it and careful and energetic of cheerful

I’m from the no come back.

I’m from the lavatory and ancestry and soup with tea

From the adventure van, through the jungle with my man. From Homebirth to around the earth


        The periodic table is the collection of the 118 chemicals elements that had been discovered since 1649. It’s ordered by their atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties as the arrangements shown below.

“MakerSpace – Home.” Milwaukee Makerspace,

        However, the first introduced to the periodic table was yield back to 1869 when a Russian chemist named Dmitri Mendeleev proposed the periodic table that rearranges the elements orders of relative atomic mass. 

Briggs, Helen. “150 Years of the Periodic Table: Test Your Knowledge.” BBC News, BBC, 29 Jan. 2019,

        Many years pass new discover, and advanced technology has invented to develop human evolutions. In addition without the help of the periodic table of elements, the majority of these discoveries wouldn’t make it be possible today.


It’s a way to describe feelings

It’s express emotions

It tells stories 

It illustrates objects.

It reveals the true

It’s natural

It’s actions

It holds memories.

It is everything 

It is Photography.


        Honestly, let me start my paragraph by saying, for the last 13 years of my life I didn’t know why learning math is so necessary. However, just only these last few weeks I felt something has changed my perspective in math. During the summer break, I was always wanted to build a gaming table, but the problem is I didn’t know what to do, how should I measure, or even where should I start. I was so stuck.

Why MATH is important? | Design by Chhayachhay Chhom; Date 22/07/2019, 7:00 PM

         The break is over the new school year start again, and luckily I was introduced to area and perimeter. This is aren’t new to me, but just because I never pay attention to it, so I just felt like a newborn baby with area and perimeter. Times goes on, everything goes well, until last week I was looking through old notes and saw the list of things I always to build to decorate my bedroom and yes one of them is the gaming table. At that right moment, I had thought to myself “Hey, I think I may be able to measure different shape easily, why now try to do it in real life.” On that same day, I had found a video on YouTube how to make gaming table, and literally, I could 100% understand the measurement data that he provides. That how to end it up to make a $700 gaming table with less them 20$ with simple math measurement and a little bit of critical thinking.

My Gaming Desk. | Taken by Chhayachhaya Chhom; Date 11/01/2018, 2:35 PM


អត្តា​​ហិ​​​​ អតនោ នាថោ

រឿងកុលាបប៉ៃលិន ជាស្នាដៃនិពន្ធរបស់លោកញ៉ុក ថែម ដែលបាននិពន្ធកាលពីព.ស.២៥០៤ ត្រូវនឹង គ.ស.១៩៦០ គឺជាវណ្ណកម្មមួយ

        អត្តា​​ហិ​​​​ អតនោ នាថោ គឺជាបណ្ដាំពាក្យស្លោកចុងក្រោយ របស់តាចឺម ដែលបាននិយាយទៅកាន់ចៅចិត្ត មុនពេលលោកបានលាចាកទៅ ។ សម្រាប់សិស្សានុសិស្ស ព្រមទាំងកុលបុត្រ កុលធីតាទាំងឡាយណា ដែរធ្លាប់បានអាននូវ​​​​ រឿងកុលាបប៉ៃលិន​​​​ ដែរជារឿងប្រលោមលោក ស្តីពីរឿងរ៉ាវស្នេហាខុសវណ្ណៈ រវាងកំលោះក្រីក្រដែរមានចិត្តស្មោះសរ និងនារីក្រមុំកូនសេដ្ឋិអ្នកជីកត្បូងនូវបរប៉ៃលិននោះ ប្រហែលជាមិនបានចាប់អារម្មណ៍ ឬគិតពិចារណាខ្លាំងទៅលើបណ្ដាំ ឬក៏ប្រយោគមួយឃ្លានេះទេ។ នេះបានសបញ្ចាក់ឲ្យឃើញថាសម្រាប់បណ្ដាំមួយប្រយោគដែលបានិយាយថា​  អត្តា​​ហិ​​​​ អតនោ នាថោ នេះគឺពិតជាមានអត្ថន័យជ្រៅជាក់បំផុត។​ អត្តា​​ហិ​​​​ អតនោ នាថោ គឺជាភាសារ សំស្ក្រឹត  ដែរត្រូវបានប្រែមកវិញថា ខ្លួនទីពឹងខ្លួនថ្វីថ្បិតតែពាក្យស្លោក ខ្លួនទីពឹងខ្លួននេះ ក៏មិនសូវជាមានអត្ថនយ័វែងឆ្ងាយ នូវពេលដែលយើងចាប់និយាយក៏ពិតមែន ក៏ប៉ុន្តែ នៅក្នុងបណ្ដាំមួយឃ្លាចុងក្រោយ របស់តាចឺមនេះ គឺត្រូវបានបង្កប់ទៅដោយ អត្ថន័យដ៏សែនចាក់ជ្រៅបំផុត ដែលមនុស្សគ្រប់គ្នា គួរតែយកតម្រាប់តាម ។​

        កាជឿជាក់លើខ្លួនឯង គឺជាគន្លឹះដ៏ល្អបំផុត សម្រាប់ការដើរទៅរកភាពជោកជយ័។ ការពឹងពាក់ទៅលើអ្នកដ៏ទៃ ដើម្បីចិញ្ចឹមក្រពះគឺជាអំពើរដ៏ល្ងង់ខ្លៅ និងខ្ចិលច្រអូសមួយដែរ មនុស្សមួយចំនួននៅតែបន្តប្រព្រឹត្តិ។​ ធ្វើរដូចច្នេះគឺហៅថាឫកពាដើមបញ្ចើក្អែក ដែលអាចរស់នៅបាន ដោយពឹងតែទៅលើដើរឈើដ៏ទៃតែប៉ុន្នោះ។ សម្រាប់បុគ្គលណា ដែលមានអត្តចរិតបែបនេះ គឺថ្ងៃណាមួយប្រាកដ៏ជាជួបទៅនឹងផ្លូវចុងក្រោង ដែរមិនអាចនឹងប្រឈមមុខបាន ។ ដូច្នេះសម្រាប់បុគ្កលណា ដែរបានប្រកាន់ភ្ជាប់នូវអត្តចរិត​ អត្តា​​ហិ​​​​ អតនោ នាថោ នូវក្នុងខ្លួន បុគ្គលម្នាក់នោះជាក់ជាក្លាយជានបុគ្គលក៏ជោកជយ័នូវថ្ងៃណាមួយជាមិនខាន។


The indigenous woman. Taken by Yanich Khin; Date 11/1/2018, 2:35 PM

               Indigenous groups are people who live in Cambodia since the past hundreds of years ago. Therefore they establish their own language, form their own culture, and even outset their unique style of living. Considering from the last few decades, Indigenous groups have been extremely facing issues which lead them to this terrible present of losing their own identity. It’s clear as we the next generation of Cambodia we should support and help save their identification, therefore of keeping the culture sustainable is                Here is our final come up to solve the considering problem. This is the  Indigenous groups of Cambodia book which we had been working on for the last 7 weeks. The book is included of the 6 in Indigenous groups in Cambodia along the province of Ratanakkiri and Kompong Spue. I am extremely pleasurable to be apart of the book writer and design team. Even though the book isn’t fully complete yet, I have a really strong expectation of it is going to be an excessively useful documentary for youth and the next generation. 


     The world of since is huge. It’s is everything around us, it’s the truth, the facts. Last week we were introduced to the basic of Atoms. Even though we aren’t able to do experiments and see the actual shape of the Atom, due to the lack of equipment in our school lab. However we got to do research, present with our classmates, we asked questions, and we share each understanding. It’s was such a really pleasurable and fun experience to learn about this lesson of science. I am really looking forward and hopes to learn this type of interesting subject in the future.

Barlow, Roger, and International Institute for Accelerator Applications. “If Atoms Are Mostly Empty Space, Why Do Objects Look and Feel Solid?” The Conversation, 26 Mar. 2019,


Learning package. Taken by Chhayachhay Chhom; Date 15/10/2018, 11:16 AM

        Learning about history is also one of my interests once it’s once to subject. For the last 7 weeks in our English Literacy class, we had a chance to take a look at the history of the English language. We were introduced to the history of where was the first language of English come from and how it has developed overtimes.  By doing this our facilitator handed a pice a learning package which them has differents them of learning every week. This is the list of them which we have learned for the last seven-week.